Trademark registration in Mohali, Trademark registration in Chandigarh, Trademark registration in Panchkula

Company vs. LLP: Choosing the Right Business Model”?

When starting a business, one of the key decisions entrepreneurs face is choosing between a Company or a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). Each structure has its advantages and is suited to different business needs. This article provides a comprehensive comparison to help you make an informed decision. 1. Meaning Company As per Section 2(20) of […]

Trademark vs. Copyright: Key Differences

Trademark and copyright are two essential forms of intellectual property protection, but they serve distinct purposes and apply to different types of creations. Here’s a detailed comparison: No. Particulars Trademark Copyright 1 Purpose Protects brand identity by distinguishing the source of goods or services. Safeguards original works of authorship, focusing on the expression of ideas […]

Trademark registration in mohali

Trademark registration in mohali Trademarkandlegalhub offers wide range of services regarding Trademark. We offer Trademark registation Trademark objection Trademark opposition Trademark renewal Trademark is necessary to protect your brand from companies selling similar products. It gives trust to consumers.They can identity your products or services. If you are planning to register Trademark, first step should […]

Understanding Deceptively Similar Trademarks in India

The concept of deceptively similar trademarks is a cornerstone of trademark law in India, governed by the Trade Marks Act, 1999. Section 2(1)(h) defines a deceptively similar trademark as:“A mark shall be deemed to be deceptively similar to another mark if it so nearly resembles that other mark as to be likely to deceive or […]

Likelihood of Confusion in Similar Trademarks: Key Takeaways from “New Balance Athletics, Inc. v. Pulkit Khubchandani”

Case Overview:In the case of New Balance Athletics, Inc v. Pulkit Khubchandani, [CS(Comm) 452/2024 & I.A. 30633/2024], the Delhi High Court addressed a trademark infringement dispute. The plaintiff, New Balance Athletics Inc., a renowned global footwear company, alleged that the defendant, Pulkit Khubchandani, trading as Kiran Shoe Company, had been using marks similar to its […]

Trademark Renewal and Restoration in India Explained

The Trade Marks Act, 1999, and the Trade Marks Rules, 2017 regulate trademark registration renewal and restoration in India. An outline of the main actions and processes required for trademark registration renewal and restoration can be found below. The registration of a trade mark shall be for a period of ten years initially, and after […]

Trademark registration in Chandigarh

Trademark registration helps you to protect unique identity of your business and brand. Trademark could be anything eg. a tag line etc. but usually businesses choose logo for trademark. So if you have decided to use logo as your trademark, you need a logo designed as per your your choice. Careful logo design also helpful […]

What can be Trademarked ?

It is text based and includes only words, letters, numbers, or a combination of these. These can include: Logos, Pictures or images, Symbols or shapes, Any geometrical figure, Any stylized design that doesn’t primarily rely on text A brand is a unique name of the product, service, or company that distinguishes it from its competitors. […]

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