Trademark registration in Mohali

Trademark is a legal identity of business. Registering trademarks gives legal right to business against unauthorized use of registered symbol/logo etc. Trademark provides unique identity to your business. Trademark helps your consumer to identify your brand and helps them to avoid brands with similar names , products etc. Most big businesses and small businesses who intend to grow have trademark registration. Trademark helps consumer to trust your brand.
Every country has different rules under trademark registration. In India individual identity proofs like pan card, aadhaar card etc are required for trademark registration, Also firm documents are required for trademark registration eg. certificate of incorporation, MSME certificate etc. We can make your process of trademark registration in Mohali easy and streamlined.
You don’t need to have running business for trademark registration. You can register trademark for future use. Trademark registration usually include Govt fees as well as consultant fees who facilitate you trademark registration. If you want to register your trademark , your first step should be consult us. We will guide you all the necessary documents required for trademark registration. Once you have all documents in place, we will file trademark application on your behalf. Once trademark application is filed, it usually go in process of approval. If you have correct documents, and trademark you intend to register is not already registered, usually trademark is approved. Due to our wide experience in trademark registration, we have high approval rate.
If you want trademark registration in mohali, feel free to call us @ +91-7814757608