Trademark registration in Mohali, Trademark registration in Chandigarh, Trademark registration in Panchkula

Trademark and copyright are two essential forms of intellectual property protection, but they serve distinct purposes and apply to different types of creations. Here’s a detailed comparison:

1PurposeProtects brand identity by distinguishing the source of goods or services.Safeguards original works of authorship, focusing on the expression of ideas rather than the ideas themselves.
2ScopeApplies to symbols used in commerce to prevent consumer confusion. Includes:Covers creative works in tangible forms such as:
– Words– Literary works (e.g., books, articles)
– Logos– Music and lyrics
– Slogans– Art (e.g., paintings, drawings, photographs)
– Colors– Films and videos
– Sounds– Software code
– Product packaging (trade dress)– Architecture
– Shapes of goods or packaging– Dramatic works (e.g., plays, scripts)
3DurationCan last indefinitely if used in commerce and renewed every 10 years after registration.Typically lasts for the author’s lifetime plus 60 years.
4ProtectionProvides exclusive rights to use the registered brand for specific goods or services.Protects against unauthorized copying or use of creative works, including reproduction, adaptation, and distribution.
5Examples– Nike swoosh (logo)– Novels, paintings, songs, and movies
– “Just Do It” (slogan)– Software code
– Apple (brand name)
6SymbolUse ™ (unregistered) or ® (registered) to indicate trademark status.Use © to signify copyright protection.
7RegistrationApply to the Registrar of Trade Marks under the Trade Marks Act, 1999.Apply to the Registrar of Copyrights under the Copyright Act, 1957.
8ApplicabilityGoverned by the Trade Marks Act, 1999.Governed by the Copyright Act, 1957.

Why Understanding the Difference Matters
Knowing whether to pursue trademark or copyright protection is crucial for safeguarding your intellectual property. Trademarks protect your brand’s identity, while copyrights protect your creative works.

By aligning your intellectual property strategy with these distinctions, you can effectively secure your assets and maintain your competitive edge in the market.

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