What can be Trademarked ?
It is text based and includes only words, letters, numbers, or a combination of these. These can include: Logos, Pictures or images, Symbols or shapes, Any geometrical figure, Any stylized design that doesn’t primarily rely on text A brand is a unique name of the product, service, or company that distinguishes it from its competitors. […]
Trademark registration in Panchkula
Trademark registration in Panchkula You can register trademark registration even before commencing the business. So if you have an idea to start business and need unique identity, it is wise to act early, as someone might register trademark you are interested to register. You can propose few trademarks, so that you can find at least […]
Trademark registration in Mohali
Trademark registration in Mohali Trademark is a legal identity of business. Registering trademarks gives legal right to business against unauthorized use of registered symbol/logo etc. Trademark provides unique identity to your business. Trademark helps your consumer to identify your brand and helps them to avoid brands with similar names , products etc. Most big businesses […]